Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Waking up on the wrong side of the crib...

Yesterday, when Finley woke up from her nap she was in one foul mood.  I still have no clue what was wrong.  Nothing I tried made her happy.  She was unhappy in her crib, out of her crib, with a snack, with a drink, with her toys...it was ridiculous.  She was so upset and I felt so bad for her, but I was so confused as to what was really wrong.  After awhile, it became the tiniest bit funny.  She was a complete mess.  At one point, she was laying face down just crying "no!"
A granola bar finally seemed to calm the situation.
And finally she was back to being my sweet, happy, little girl.

1 comment:

grammy and grandad said...

I love happy endings....Could she have had a nightmare? Didn't get enough sleep? All's well that ends well.