Wednesday, September 22, 2010


One of the biggest benefits of our home is that it is just three blocks from the Children's Museum.  This means that at 4:15 pm on a Tuesday, Finley can say "Go to Zee-um" and off we go.  I ditched the stroller and let her walk with me today.  It took a little longer to get there, her left foot got smeared with mud, but we made it.  And she had so much fun.  We only did a couple slides in the Tot Spot, we spent the most of our visit in the big kid part of the museum.  Around 5:30pm, it was getting time to head home.  I peered outside to see that the skies had opened up and it was absolutely pouring.  I called Clifton, luckily he was home from work already and was able to rescue us.  It was raining and sunny on the drive home.  And I saw a HUGE rainbow.  What an afternoon...