Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rain, rain, go away, but Finley will find things to do, come what may!

Torrents of rain spill down,  thunder rumbles across the sky, and we are stuck inside on a dreary, rain-soaked day.  I know!  Let's visit the toy closet and pull every creature out and line the stairs with a colorful,  fluffy parade of animals.  That will surely brighten the day, and then we can chat with Mommy and Daddy in Italy, while piling up all those cuddly critters.

Puddles and raindrops did not stop Miss Finley: there were strollers to push and nuts to collect, so despite very dismal weather, she guided her stroller, with Winnie the Pooh installed in the seat, straight to her favorite nut tree.  See the pecan clutched in her little hand?

It's tent time, so collect those critters again, rustle up a snack, drag in a pillow, and try to forget that a            tropical storm is raging outside of the windows, because we're cozy in here.