Sunday, April 5, 2009

Twenty One Weeks Old

I cannot believe how old she is! She will be five months old this Thursday, which is also Clifton and I's four year anniversary. Time sure does fly.

Don't bother me....I'm CRABBY

We picked up 20 pounds of Texas blue crab from Fiesta yesterday, quite a treat! Grandma Matuska, Aunt Rose, cousin Faith and Ferrell came to join in the crabby fun. There were hot dogs and sausage for the non-crab eaters, but why wouldn't you want to enjoy crab? Next year Finley will be able to try some, I wonder if she will like Old Bay. I know she is going to love crabmeat, it is the world's most perfect food.

Finley had the cutest crab dress from Grandma Engleman to wear, it really got her in the crabby spirit. .