Finley popped out of the car this morning ready for dance class. Sadly, her coordination isn't so hot and she tripped backward over a curb. She landed straight on her bottom. She seemed totally okay, which was a big relief. We walked to the dance building and Finley asked to clean her hand. I looked down and she had thrown up. All over her tutu. Poor thing. I asked her if her tummy felt alright, she said it did and she wanted to go and see Mr. Carlos. I took her to the restroom and cleaned her up as best as possible. If we were staying for dance class, the tutu had to go. I think the jostling of the fall combined with her massive breakfast this morning made for the unfortunate results. Poor thing.
She walked into class and said "Mr. Carlos, my tutu is wet" and off she went. She did fantastic throughout class, I am so proud of her. She wanted to play in the park after class, so we did. After that, I decided to take it easy this afternoon, there have been no further signs of illness and she ate lunch like a champ.