Friday, July 23, 2010

Sick Bug

We have been exceedingly lucky with Finley's health.  She has only been sick once before and it was just an ear infection.  Imagine my surprise this morning when my happy little girl vomited all over the carpet.  The strangest part was that she was still so happy and playful.  I realized something was off when she didn't want to eat any of her breakfast except the strawberries and milk.  After the first incident, she couldn't even keep water down, thank goodness for washable couch cushions.  I feel like it has been a non-stop parade of laundry around here.  And handwashing.  And mopping up.  Ugh.

Clifton came home from work and we took Finley to the pediatrician.  Our regular pediatrician was not in the office today, so we saw someone new who was just subbing in the office for the day.  The nurse ran a Strep test at the start of the appointment and Finley did just great.  The doctor said it was probably just a stomach bug and told us to get her some Pedialyte to keep her hydrated.  Imagine our suprise at the end of the appointment when her Strep test came back positive.  We got her the tasty pink medicine and headed home for a 4pm nap.  Poor thing. 

Sadly, we missed the Corpse Flower blooming today, but little girls with Strep throat don't need to be smelling stinky flowers anyhow.  She was already lucky enough to visit Lois twice and we got some good webcam viewing of her this morning.  Finley says "Lois" and pointed to her on the screen, it was so cute.


Grammy and Grandad said...

Poor bug has a bug. She looks so sweet and sad. We hope she feels better tomorrow!

Sarah and Rob said...

Poor girl. I hope she is feeling better today!

NoahS said...

I am so sorry sweet girl. I hope you feel better soon.

Rocky_Mtn_Chic said...

Poor baby girl! So sorry she was sick, glad she's feeling better. On a side note - so the corpse flower wasn't blooming when home from SA hunh?