Tuesday, May 11, 2010

18 Month Doctor Appointment

Finley got high marks from her pediatrician and we were also informed that TWO new Finley's had joined the practice since we were last there.  I sure hope her name does not get any more popular!

Finley was a model patient and her doctor said she was developing perfectly.  Finley even said "AHHH" when she had to look in her mouth, such a good girl.  The doctor said she was the best patient she had that day.  Go Finley!  She only had two shots and was a real trooper

Head: 18 1/2
Height: 31 1/2" (50 to 75%)
Weight: 23 pounds 10 ounces (25 to 50%)

She is growing right on track and is absolutely perfect, but we already knew that.

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